Class Descriptions

Aerial Yoga - Beginners Course

If you are completely new to yoga and prefer to build confidence alongside other students also taking their first steps, this 5 week course is for you! The course covers all the basics you need to be able to go on to join our aerial yoga drop in classes. The weekly sessions are designed to help build confidence in using the aerial hammock, in a range of ways, including safe and supported inversions. No prior experience necessary; however, a general level of mobility/fitness is required for this practice.


Aerial Yoga - All Levels Class

This class is suitable for those who have some experience of the aerial hammock or have a regular mat yoga practice (or similar movement based practice). It is preferable that you have completed a beginner’s course, before joining these classes, however, there will be options to help modify for different levels of challenge so have a chat with one of our friendly teachers if you want to dive straight in and learn as you go!

Each week we will focus on a different theme so we advise that you try to attend at least one of the drop in classes each week to help with progression and ensure a balanced practice. Repetition can help develop muscle memory and proprioception so feel free to come to more than one drop in class each week if you want to develop skills and confidence even faster!


Low Fly Zone Course

Expect to use the hammock, set at low height, as a prop for support in these low hammock classes suitable for all levels. We will link breath to movement as we move mindfully through poses; experimenting with longer holds of yin style stretches, to focus on increasing flexibility and stimulating the relaxation response. There will be elements of breathing practices and yoga philosophy interwoven into these classes and always finishing with a relaxing floating savasana - leaving you feeling both revived, rebalanced and ready for the weekend! No experience needed.

Aerial Yoga Improvers Course

These classes allow you to build on the skills you have already gained through either completing a beginner’s course or attending at least 5 Aerial Yoga Drop in Classes. Expect to use the hammock in a variety of ways, with increasing confidence, as you develop strength, stamina, and skills in a supportive and fun environment! These sessions will build on each other weekly so, although single session registrations are possible (if availability allows), it is recommended that you register for the whole course to see maximum progress and get the most out of this versatile and challenging practice! 


Slow Flow Yoga

The pace is perfect for beginners as the movements are broken down with more time spent in each pose, but it is also perfect for more advanced yogis who are looking to dive deeper into their alignment and postures. The breath work and calm nature of the class is also perfect for people of all ages and walks of life. Slow flow yoga can help reduced stress, it is low-impact, helps to teach patience and mental toughness, improve flexibility, build muscles, prevent injuries and improve overall health.

Prenatal Yoga Class

Yoga can help during pregnancy, a time when the body is undergoing so many changes. Pregnancy is an ideal time to start yoga, to continue your yoga practice sympathetically to your growing and changing body and to have the opportunity to meet other mums-to-be. Practicing yoga in pregnancy can help to gently stretch and tone your body as your baby grows, prepare for birth and provide tools to help promote a sense of balance and wellbeing.

Each class includes relaxation and pranayama (breathing techniques) to help during labour and asana (physical movements and poses) to help relieve common pregnancy ailments whilst strengthening the body and increasing flexibility. You will leave feeling calm and relaxed – bliss!


Floating Soundbath

Take a journey with us through sonic sound frequencies, crystalline singing bowls, Koshi chimes, tuning forks and drum to the deepest levels of bliss, fully immersed, theta state.
Drift away as the transformative sound energy vibrations dip you into pure consciousness, activating your cells to heal, rejuvenate, fully tune in and tune up.
All whist cocooned and suspended in a silk hammock.
Sound healing is an ancient practice with scientific studies showing that at a cellular level sound frequencies heal.
Revitalising you on your every level, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. This is a relaxation session which takes place inside the silk hammocks at low level (about a foot from the ground).

Vinyasa Yoga  

Vinyasa is a dynamic style of yoga which increases strength, mobility and fitness. Working with the breath you will flow between poses, connected together through sun-salutations. These classes are fast paced and require students to be familiar and comfortable with the alignment of common yoga poses. 


Mummy & Baby Yoga

Yoga-Mimi 'Yoga for Mummy with Babies' offer specialised postpartum yoga for mums with babies included in the classes. Mummy and Baby yoga is a great way for you to enjoy an uninterrupted hour or so with your baby without the worries and concerns of day to day life and to meet other mummies to form a caring, supportive community.

Suitable from 6/8 weeks or 10/12week post C-section.

Previous yoga experience is not required.